
LastDodo nummer
Ronson Corporation, Odd share certificate, Common stock
Uitgevende instantie
Nominale waarde
1,00 US Dollar per aandeel
Rentepercentage (obligatie)
Land van uitgifte
Plaats van uitgifte
Jaar van uitgifte
Decoratieve waarde
20,5 x 30,5 cm
Handtekeningen facsimile. Stuk op naam. Ontwaarding door perforatie en/of stempeling. Ronson has a long and illustrious history of producing high quality cigar and cigarette lighters as well as stylish smoking accessories and figural pieces for home and office use. The Company was created by Louis V. Aronson in 1886, and first opened in New York City. Some great facts about Ronson include: Ronson is the inventor of the first mechanic cigarette lighter. Ronson is the inventor of the multi-refillable gas-lighter. Ronson is the inventor of the gas-lighter with adjustable flame. Ronson is the patent holder of Worlds first gas valve. Ronson is the inventor of the gas can, to refill gas-lighters. In the ’60s the Ronson name was ranked on the 7th place of Worlds best-known and recognized brand names. Above Ronson were names as, Coca Cola, Ford, and General Motors. Writer Ian Flamming describes the hero of his famous ‘James Bond‘ books with the Ronson Premier Varaflame. Unfortunately this was never used in the James Bond movies. The first man that crossed the Atlantic Ocean by rowing boat ‘John Fairfax’ thanks his life to his Ronson lighter. We describes in his letter ‘Where other products failed, the only thing I could rely on was my Ronson Lighter’. Ronson’s working is a conmen known fact, ‘Ronson lights the first time’. Even in the war, the ‘Sherman tank’ got the nickname ‘The Ronson’. The enemy had to shoot once on the tank, to bring it to fire.