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  • January 18, 2020 18:09
January 18, 2020 18:09

I would like to mention via this site what I recently experienced at Catawiki, this already a second time !!!!

A few years ago I bought a table and chairs from the designer A. Hendrickx at Catawiki.

After a while I want to sell it back to Catawiki, Catawiki claims that I cannot put it for sale with their name A. Hendrickx because this is not the case. ?????

In the end try to forget this whole affair and buy a nice painting by an Italian painter Michele Fiore in 2018. My husband doesn't like to see the painting so I wanted to sell it back through Catawik last week. Response from Catawik: the painting cannot be sold through Catawiki, they think it is not worth enough ?????

In fact, I asked less than I paid!

This is a pure rip off, and over the years I feel that Catawiki is getting seriously wrong.

In my case I think this is scandalous and am sure I am not the only one with this experience, please have your opinion?

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  • 1,907 messages
  • January 18, 2020 18:57
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January 18, 2020 18:57

Marbonneke, suppose you receive 100 responses via this collectors forum from people who fully agree with you, will you buy something for that? You would be wise to express your objections to Catawiki auctions, in my opinion this can be done via a message or in writing. Who knows, another expert from the auctions will come to a different insight. Sometimes mistakes are made where work is done. Nobody is perfect (except people who think they are .........)

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  • 2 messages
  • January 18, 2020 19:32
January 18, 2020 19:32

Dear Harry

I have already filed an objection via message to Catawiki more than 1 week ago without getting an answer about this.

I am the first to admit that mistakes are made everywhere and perfection is not my point of view, but honesty, as everyone knows it takes the longest.

The intention is not to get into conflict with Catawiki, but above all to make it clear to people that they do not always get what they think they have bought. May it also be said that Catawiki has become almost inaccessible over the years if you have a question or the like.

A friend of mine bought a bronze dromedary a few years ago, presented as unique and unique piece. A while later the same statue was for sale and again a month later, I wonder how unique these pieces are? That is why I think it is so important that good experts with experience work at Catawiki. If we see the fraud, then they should see it too and it shouldn't just become flat commerce.

Normally I let this all pass me by, but last week was that one drop of frustration that made the bucket overflow, that's it.

Nevertheless, I would also like to end on a positive note, Catawiki also once reimbursed me when purchasing a lamp that did not match the description of the lamp at all upon arrival.

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  • 1,907 messages
  • January 18, 2020 21:14
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January 18, 2020 21:14

Dear Marbonneke,

As you put your words very correctly, I suspect it is quite recognizable for the reader, especially the frustration with regard to what you see as dishonesty and / or inconsistency. But to the left or the right, collecting and buying continues to think carefully and select before you purchase. Don't believe everything either as the most famous expert of between Art and Kitsch golden mountains promised. And the 1 collects to benefit from it, the other because he likes it with the (sensible) thought "if I have to get rid of it again, it can sometimes be disappointing". Many collectors can write a book about this. If I were concerned with 90% of my collection which is difficult to sell badly (through whatever effort) I would not be able to enjoy it anymore and would have a daily migraine. Collecting is (for me) a hobby and anyone who (also) sees it as investing should fend off setbacks. Buying is easy selling an art and effort. I hope you can still receive a good response from Cata.

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  • Catalogue manager
  • 8,580 messages
  • January 18, 2020 22:09
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January 18, 2020 22:09

It's been fun again. Lock on it.

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